How to order the English patterns

(UPDATE 8th December 2024). Since there is often the question how to order my English patterns, I thought about writing a short post about how to order the English patterns 🙂 It’s very simple and you just have to follow the instructions. So far there are only a few English patterns, but the other patterns will be translated one by one.

First, go to the page „Schnittmuster“ (Pattern) (1). There you can find all my patterns and pattern bundles (German and English). To find just ALL ENGLISH patterns click on „English patterns“ (2) in the side menu. Note: If patterns are not listed here, there is no English version available so far. Now click on the picture of your chosen pattern to go to the product description.

You will now be redirected to the page of the product description of the pattern. There you will find the German as well as the English description. To read the English description just choose „Englisch“ below. There you can read again, what the pattern is about and find informations about fabrics, measures and so on.

Now select „Englisch“ in the drop down menu to choose the English version of the pattern. Only now can you add the product to the shopping cart. Push the Button „in den Warenkorb“, which means „add to shopping cart“.

Now click on „Warenkorb“ (Button right upper corner) and you will be redirected to your shopping cart. There you can see whats in your shopping cart. Choose „Weiter zur Kasse“, which means „continue to checkout“.

There you have to fill out with your information (surname, name, country, street & number, postcode, city/place). For technical reasons the list of countries is written in German, so for example „Canada“ is „Kanada“ or „USA“ is „Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)“.

Choose how to pay (PayPal may be the best option – it is not possible to pay by credit card). After you have filled out everything, you press the button „Weiter“.

Then you will see your order and information again, and if everything is correct, check the boxes underneath (that’s just for accepting terms and conditions and digital products terms and that you give a correct email address) and push the button „Zahlungspflichtig bestellen“ which means „order now“.
PayPal will open now and you can make the payment.

That’s it! The files will be send to your given email-address. Please note, since you are ordering on a German website, the email confirmation will also be written in German! But the files are in English. Now you only have to download the files listed on the right side under „Download“.

18 Meinungen zu “How to order the English patterns

  1. Crystal Wang sagt:

    Hi I placed an order for the Tyyka pattern on 6/20 and only received the instructions not the cut files could you be of assistance?

    • Hansedelli sagt:

      Hey, according to my overview, you have received all the files. You have also created an account, just log in and check out the „Downloads“ in your Dashboard. You’ll find all the files there. They are divided into instructions, pattern and lookbook. 🙂
      Best, Lisa from Hansedelli

  2. maryann powers sagt:

    Hi, I bought a few patterns but cannot find the download, can you please help

    the bundle, mini mynta, little mynta, little foksa
    vari clutch
    tasche vara

    • Hansedelli sagt:

      Hi there,
      You can find the files in the „Download“ section of your customer account. 🙂 If you have not created an account, the files will only be sent as download links by e-mail. The mails sometimes end up in the spam folder, so be sure to check there too.
      Lisa from Hansedelli

  3. Katia Perron sagt:

    I bought the Kuoria back in the days in German but unfortunately never jump in it since I’m French (and partially English).. so I have to buy it again if I want the English version? I don’t remember having created an account since I wasn’t able to read German!
    Please let me know if you can do something for me..
    I do love your pattern!! They look amazing.

    • Hansedelli sagt:

      Hey Katia,
      If you haven’t downloaded the files yet, I can cancel the order. 🙂
      However, if you have already downloaded the files, this is unfortunately not possible.
      Please send me your order number by email so that I can check this for you.
      Best wishes,
      Lisa of Hansedelli

    • Hansedelli sagt:

      Hello Connie,
      If you are ordering from outside Europe, you should choose PayPal as your payment method. Here you can also pay without a PayPal account. Select „You don’t have a PayPal account?“ and „Pay with credit card“. Afterwards you should be able to pay by credit card – at least that’s how it used to be. I don’t know if it’s still possible.
      Alternatively, you can buy my English patterns at, where you have several payment options to choose from. 🙂
      Best wishes,
      Lisa of Hansedelli

  4. Farida sagt:

    Are the English patterns written with measurements for cm or inches? If they are cm do they have the actual pattern pieces to cut and use? Converting cm to inches is not very accurate; that is why I ask.

    • Hansedelli sagt:

      All my patterns are designed in cm measurements. So the pattern pieces are also in cm and DIN A 4, but it also fits US Letter size. So all you have to do is print out the pattern pieces and cut them out. 🙂
      The English sewing instructions also contain measurements converted to inches in addition to cm (except for Vara bag, which is only written in cm). Little Mynta and Little Foksa also have written inch measurements on the pattern pieces.

        • Hansedelli sagt:

          Hi there,
          For technical reasons, the checkout is only available in German. Search for „Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)“ or just type USA into the field and it will be displayed. 🙂

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